Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles.Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles.Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Army Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles.Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles.Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles.Training film for IL-2 pilots, produced by the Red Army Air Force Research Institute in 1943. (24 min). Detailed and extensive instructions, based on the official Red Air Force IL-2 manual, unique close-ups, authentic winter background. Russian narrator, with English subtitles. For convenience subtitles are published below:
Film production: Red Army Air Force Research Institute, 4th Department, 1943
Chief of production: engineer-colonel I. Pauzer
Consultant: engineer-major V. Kholopov
Script development and editing: senior technician-lieutenant N. Kudryashov, sergeant N. Zharov
Film includes documentary of the Il-2’s actions on the Western front, made by the film crew of the Red Army Air Force Research Institute.
IL-2 Pilot’s Manual
All pilots, flying on Il-2 airplanes, are to carefully acquire and precisely carry out all sections of the current manual in specified sequence. Flying schools and reserve regiments are to provide development of solid skills and automatism in operating Il-2 according this manual.
Chief engineer of the Red Army Air Forces
General-lieutenant of the Engineering-Aviation Service A. Repin
I. Pre-flight inspection
Before the flight take readiness report from the airplane mechanic.
Make external inspection of the airplane.
Examine the propeller; if there is any external damage (holes, scratches) on blades and the boss, check for the blade’s bending.
Check if the bottom engine hatches are locked, if there is safety-lock pin on the cover of the forward hatch.
Examine the landing gear, if tires have normal pressure, if positions of both shock absorbers are normal and identical.
Check bombs’ suspension: what bombs are suspended and on what suspension.
How many rockets [RS or reactive shells - AWW] and what fuses are installed.
Check if the cover of the Pitot tube has been removed.
Check were ailerons and pin-joints damaged, if there is any backlash in pin-joints.
Check if there is any tail damage, if clamps on the rudder and elevators were removed,
if the elevators and rudder’s pin-joints are in good condition.
Check if there is air in shock absorbers of the tail wheel, is the tire has normal pressure.
After external inspection check the cockpit.
Check air gunner’s station.
Air gunner, check your weapon, if machine gun moves smoothly on the turret ring. Check the quantity of the ammunition.
Before entering airplane cockpit observe it and check:
if there are any unnecessary objects,
is magneto switched off,
if gun triggers are locked,
if the bombs release buttons are locked,
if ASSH [emergency bombs release handle – AWW] is on safety.
After you took your seat in the cockpit, put feet on the pedals under the fasteners,
check if the elevators work correctly and control stick and pedals move easily.
Set the elevator trim control handle in take-off position.
Check normal throttle controls; check settings of the afterburner high-altitude corrector.
Increase propeller pitch.
To increase pitch for propeller VISH-22T, rotate steering control back, for the propeller АV-5L-158 rotate steering control forward.
Check if the oil shutters are closed,
check if the fire-cock is opened.
Switch the air system on and check if it works correctly.
Check the air pressure in the onboard air cylinder.
Open control of the air landing gear/starter system and check an air pressure with manometer.
Normal pressure in the air system is 30-40 atmospheres,
and in the air cylinder normal pressure is 50 atmospheres.
Check the work of the brake system with two-indicator manometer by simultaneous and separate braking of the both main wheels.
Check the electric system.
Switch on battery,
water and oil thermometers,
signal system of the landing gear.
Check gas in the gas tanks, switching fuel selector valve.
Set altimeter to zero.
Check your weapons.
Put safety lock of the guns pneumatic re-charger in “Open” position.
Set on ESBR-3P [electric bombs release control – AWW] desirable variant of bomb release according to the flight plan and set the bomb release switch in “On” position.
II. Check the engine before take-off
Set control of the booster pump in intake position.
Lift the plunger of the booster pump upward.
Set control of the booster pump in injection position
And push plunger of the booster pump down.
Repeat 3-4 times in the summer, 5-6 times in the winter.
Set propeller control on 600-700 rpm.
Open the air control on the booster pump,
order airplane mechanic to stay away from the propeller,
and after receiving confirmation,
switch on vibrator and magneto.
Open self-starter air control.
And after one full turn of the propeller press vibrator button.
Attention! If within 5-10 seconds oil pressure will not increase to 3 atmospheres, switch off the engine for fixing the malfunction.
Warming up the engine
Throttle engine up to 700-800 rpm.
And continue to warm up engine until the temperatures will be: water - 60 degrees, outlet oil - 40 degrees.
Lower propeller pitch.
Set engine on 1200-1250 rpm,
and continue warming up the engine.
The engine is considered warmed up if the temperatures: water - 80 degrees and up, inlet oil 40 degrees and up, outlet oil is 70 degrees and up, warm up only with lower propeller pitch.
Test the engine on normal power.
Testing the engine
During the normal work of the engine settings should be:
engine rpm 2150, supercharger 1180 +/-25 mm.
After de-accelerating to 1600-1700 rpm,
check magneto and spark plugs.
Engine rpm with one magneto should be no more than 120 rpm.
Switch off the battery and check generator output with voltmeter.
III. Check up and preparation of the radio transmitter
Switch on portable radio set.
Make sure that helmet fits tightly and throat microphones have good contact with the larynx, without squeezing it.
Slowly rotating adjustment handle, set proper radio frequency.
For normal sound volume adjust volume control.
IV. Preparations for Take-Off and Take-off
Before taxiing open oil shutters.
Open water radiator shutters depending on the air temperature.
Fasten the seatbelts.
Give the order to clear the brake-shoes.
After receiving the confirmation that brake-shoes are cleared, start taxiing.
Check brakes on taxiing,
For the best view forward make “S-turns” when taxiing.
Preparation for take-off
Check position of the elevator trimmer control,
and position of the fire-cock.
Lock the skid.
Apply breaks and test the engine on normal power.
Check instruments.
Strictly forbidden to take off when: Engine rpm is less than 2150, If water temperature is below 90 degrees, inlet oil temperature is below 40 degrees, outlet oil temperature is below 70 degrees or above 115 degrees.
Check if there are any obstacles on the runway,
and close the cockpit.
Take-off and climb
Throttle up the engine.
During the take-off roll maintain direction, smoothly apply left pedal to compensate airplane torque to the right and avoid sharp movements of the rudder.
Forbidden to use brakes to compensate airplane’s right torque.
After lift-off hold the airplane steady until the airspeed of 240-250 km/hour is reached, then start climbing.
Retract landing gear.
Check if the landing gear was retracted using the mechanical indicators,
and signal lights.
Decrease pressure on the stick using elevator trimmer control.
At the level flight, after the proper height is reached, throttle the engine back,
and lower propeller pitch for the maximum flight range.
It’s forbidden to increase propeller pitch when supercharger pressure is more than 950 mm .
Throttle up to the best cruising airspeed 250-270 km/hour.
V. Flight in battlefield conditions
On friendly territory
When flying over the starting point of the route mark down the time.
Unlock the gun triggers.
Before crossing the front line lower the propeller pitch and increase airspeed according flight plan.
On enemy’s territory
Set АSSH in “Open” position.
Check settings of ESBR-3P.
Open safety caps of the electric bomb-release gear.
Carefully observe airspace, terrain, and signals of the flight leader.
Before approaching the target area close oil shutters.
… if gun stoppage occurs, re-load.
Bomb release and gunfire
After bombs were released, duplicate release using ASSH controls.
Set АSSH in SO (safety on) position.
After target was hit, leave area inconspicuously, using terrain folds.
Open oil shutters,
and increase propeller pitch
VI. Flight completion
Approaching your airfield, lock gun triggers, bombs and rockets release gear.
Set pneumatic re-charger safety lock in “Closed” position.
Switch off ESBR-3P,
and decrease propeller pitch
Lower landing gear on the speed of 240-250 km/hour.
If the landing gear wasn’t lowered normally, apply emergency procedure.
Emergency lowering of the landing gear
For this purpose close lock and connection controls, open counter-action control.
Reduce air speed to 230-240 km/hour and rotate the emergency hand crank counter-clockwise.
Check landing gear position using mechanical indicators and control lights.
Close water-radiator, maintaining temperature 90 degrees or higher.
While gliding on a straight line to the landing point lower the flaps on the speed of 210-220 km/hour.
If it’s necessary to make another landing approach, throttle up and increase airspeed.
Remove pressure on the stick by the elevator trimmer control.
During the flight on a straight line at the height of 100 meters and with airspeed not less than 220 km/hour, retract the flaps.
Carefully continue landing approach.
During the landing with lowered flaps pull the control stick full back.
During the landing with retracted flaps do not pull control stick back completely.
Use brakes on the runaway smoothly, periodically releasing brakes control from time to time.
After complete stop of the airplane unlock the skid, retract the flaps.
Open the cockpit, check landing and take-off strips for the obstacles,
and taxi to the parking area, using S-turns on taxiing
Stopping the engine
Open the water radiator shutters.
Set propeller VISH-22T on the higher pitch; leave propeller AV-5 on the lower pitch.
Throttle up the engine to 1000-1100 rpm for 15-20 seconds.
Set propeller control to 400-450 rpm,
and switch off ignition.
Absolutely forbidden to stop the engine by the full fuel consumption (closing the fire-cock) because of the possible exhaust into the carburetor.
Switch off electrical equipment.
Instruct the airplane mechanic to fix known malfunctions.
... Machine-gunners, gunners, mortar men, tankers, pilots are to study their weapons. Become true experts; hit the fascists-German aggressors at close range until their complete destruction! People’s Commissar of Defense I. Stalin
The End
See also IL-2 Sturmovik Illustrated Flight Manual, 1942